Date of Birth: December 13, 1977
Education: Currently attending MTI
Personal: Single
Pets: Two Cats - Little Guy (AKA: The Dump) and Chill E
Favorite Web Site:
I was born in the Redwood City, CA Kaiser Hospital in December of 1977. I lived in the Bay Area for the first four and a half years of my life. At the end of that time, when parents divorced, I went with my mother to Fresno for about a year . I moved to Sacramento around the middle of 1983 and have been here ever since. I've been in this duplex for the last fifteen years.
My father died in 1995. His death seriously affected my performance in highschool and lead to my withdrawl by the end of that year. Four years later, when my employer went out of business, I went out and got my GED from San Juan School District Adult Education. Once I had that I came to MTI and decided on the two year MSE Degree Program.
I enjoy: Learning about the latest developments in physics and computers; Building then driving/flying Radio Controlled offroad vehicles/planes; Reading.
Some of my R/C equipment: